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About me

I am a 20 year old Communication Design major in Parsons School of Design whose prime inspiration is the human being. I’ve always wanted to create lively art which taps into the emotions of the viewer seizing a few more seconds of their engagement. I started off with acrylic portraiture. Eventually, I switched to oil paint, where I found that my paintings were given a greater sense of livelihood and vibrance. Soon after, I found a love for body art. I began painting on anyone who would allow me to and created 3-dimensional and 2- dimensional artworks. The beauty of this work is that it is temporarily 3-dimensional and permanently 2-dimensional, once washed off and can only be revisited through an image. The photography aspect of this work also gives me more power to decide what exactly I want the work to look like, after all the painting has been done. This balance between real and fake, alive and inanimate, is the engaging essence of my work.

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